
Contact Us:
By email: Click here

Concerned about Purina and related foods making dogs sick? We are working with a team of experts to determine the cause and potentially test suspected foods! Please gather the information below and send it to us. You must have the original packaging with the lot number and expiration date. Store your remaining product in the freezer. We will keep you updated with testing plans here and on the Facebook page.

PLEASE NOTE: If you are inquiring about testing foods or treats because of dog illness, you must provide the following info. You will NOT receive a reply if you fail to do so.

  • Product name, lot number, expiration date

  • Problem the pet had which you are attributing to the product

  • Veterinary records, including doctors’ notes, diagnosis, and laboratory results

  • Amount of product you have left. If available, purchase another package (leave unopened) of the same lot number and expiration date

  • Age, breed, sex, and weight of pet, as well as any pre-existing health conditions

This information will allow us to best advise you if testing is worth your expense, as well as narrowing down what to test for.

Email is the fastest way to reach Check Your Pet Food. Emails received after 3:00PM EST on Friday will be returned Monday.